mercredi 8 octobre 2014

New maps spotted.


Every once in awhile I spot new RO2 maps either in the browser or on the net that I've never seen or heard of.

I always am caught off guard because it seems logical that they might be discussed here at some point. Not always.

Anyway, one such seems to be a nice infantry map called TE-Kirov. Others may be aware of it, but I wasn't. I did a brief walk-thru. Looked great; seems to be on the third beta version. Features at least one village and a lot of open country. I imagine it is historically based. So I'm going to place it on Crucible.

The other map I spotted in the ranked list on a pass-worded server. It is called TE-Smolensk. A very early battle in 1941. I couldn't get hold of that one, so I did a web search for it but didn't turn up anything useful.

If anyone has any familiarity with either of these maps, I for one would like to hear anything known about them.

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