mercredi 8 octobre 2014

World Theatre Campaign Map

I`m no modder, just an addicted player.

I love all the maps, but especially custom maps whether they are from Rising Storm or HoS or (hopefully) the forthcoming Heroes of the West, Western Front. I like to play them all.

I also love the Campaign mode.

However, there is something missing. A unified Campaign Map where you can switch between theatres and still keep the war going Axis Versus Allies on the world stage.

I`ve played on some servers, most notably AKA & [TLW]`s combined server where they use the HoS Campaign map but insert maps from both current theatres to play through the Campaign. It`s a great way to introduce new custom maps to regulars willing to download. It is, however, a little inelegant.

So here is my question: If TWI isn't going to produce a World Theatre map, can modders do this and insert it into the Campaign mode so that we can switch from Eastern Front/Pacific Front/Western Front during the same campaign? I think this would be a great and very welcome addition to the game.

Sorry if someone else has posted on this and I missed it.

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