mercredi 15 octobre 2014

RO2 150th Rifle Division


The Division was formed three times, being initially established at Vyazma in September 1939. As part of the 3rd Army's 3rd Rifle Corps the division took part in the Soviet Invasion of Poland.

Force Composition

  • 469th Rifle Regiment

  • 674th Rifle Regiment

  • 756th Rifle Regiment

  • 328th Light Artillery Regiment

  • 418th Howitzer Regiment

Operating as part of the 9th Army on 22 June 1941, then, after the Second Battle of Kharkov, being wiped out at Izyum in May 1942. It was recreated at Turga in August 1942. It was then re-created for the third time in September 1943.

When formed for the third time, it was composed of the 127th, 144th, and 151st brigades. Initially this division fell under the command of the 34th Army. But during some time in early 1944 it was transferred to the 6th Guards Army, and then finally it was assigned to the 79th Rifle Corps of the 3rd Shock Army, of the 1st Belorussian Front, under which it would stay on the offensive all the way from Nevel, Pskov Oblast to Berlin.

On April 22, 1945, when victory for the Soviet Army was near, an order from the Military Council of the 3rd Shock Army designated the 150th Division to be one of 9 divisions to receive a special banner solely for the purpose of raising it over the Reichstag as a sign of the Soviet victory. Red Army photographer Yevgeny Khaldei took the picture of soldiers Kovaliev and another comrade of the Division's 756th Rifle Regiment hoisting the flag (called the Victory Banner) on April 30, 1945 on the roof of the Reichstag building. An earlier flag had been raised the day before while the building was being fought over with remaining German soldiers. However, as the flag was raised after dusk, there was no chance to take a picture. After taking the shot with the flag Khaldei rushed back to Moscow, and it was later decided that the true persons on the photo, Kovaliev and his comrade, were not politically correct. So they became Meliton Kantaria (a Georgian, like Stalin) and Mikhail Yegorov (a Russian).

On April 26, 1945 for its heroic overnight victory at lake Voshvanzee 150th Rifle Division was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, second degree.

In December 1946 the division was disbanded.

About Us

We are Infantry based regiment, who hope to place ourselves in some fun events! Without the Infantry, wars could not have been won! We are the elite, and anyone from Stalingrad to Berlin will be destroyed once they set foot on our path.


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Enlistment form:

1. Nickname in game:

2. Steam ID:

3. Age:

4. Country:

5. Which days in the week are you able to attend trainings on (day and time):

6. Do you have teamspeak 3 program?

7. Do you have a microphone?

8. Are you willing to fully dedicate yourself to the regiment and stay active?


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