jeudi 16 octobre 2014

Are those explosive shootables I see?

I was rewatching the latest IGN footage and couldn't help but notice the bright red canisters with flammable symbols on the side placed at strategic points..

None of them in the actual video were ever detonated, but they definitely look like the FPS staple of "thing you shoot to make go boom".

Is my assumption correct, or are they just very conspicuous static props? And if they DO explode, can a player accidentally suicide that way? I'd presume team-damage isn't possible without Friendly Fire being on.

Mmm, what a fun toy that would be for a sharpshooter. Or we could just drop pipe-bombs next to them for a doubled payload.

Attachment 14937

Attachment 14938

Attached Images

File Type: jpg ExplosiveThingums.JPG (68.0 KB)
File Type: jpg ExplosiveThingums2.JPG (87.3 KB)

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