jeudi 16 octobre 2014

A few seconds of new KF2 gameplay in latest KF update

You know the brief videos that play on the class selection screen when you first join a server? Well one of them has some new KF2 stuff that hasn't been seen before (to the best of my knowledge)

The video isn't long but from what I saw it shows:

A guy with a katana parrying (or blocking) a fleshpound attack

A husk gets killed among a group of zeds and explodes into a fireball doing damage to the zeds that are around him

The double-barrel shotgun

A fleshpound charging down a hallway toward a player and a clot gets knocked down by the fleshpound. And the player is shooting at him with the combat shotgun

A group of zeds getting blown up by a grenade (different footage than what was in the dev diary video)

Just wanted to let you guys know if you're thirsty for a few seconds of new gameplay. :)

edit: A few pics

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